Firekind - What I Have Found Is Already Lost

Firekind is pleased to announce the debut of their first album. The new alt rock band from the UK launched What I Have Found is Already Lost on July 17, 2015. Firekind is comprised of brother Jas and Dan Morris. Firekind’s debut album is loaded with songs that came from personal experiences that were given an edgy flair. Jas Morris says, “A lot of the songs on this album deal with the death of mine [Jas] and Dan’s father. Not so much about wallowing in loss and self pity, but by coming out the other side (of grief). Our Dad was such massive part in our lives, he’s the reason why we’re even musicians and he was in a band with us for 8-9 years, then managed the band before he died.”
 Though the band has been playing together for many years, this is their first time recording as the band Firekind and without their father to guide them. Firekind was lucky enough to find guidance in another form – an amazing producer. The band flew to Los Angeles in order to have their album produced by legendary musician and producer Alain Johannes. The members of the band were humbled by the fact that this legend wanted to work with them and that they were in Los Angeles. Johannes guided Firekind every step of the way and used many of his Hollywood connections to make the production of the album as easy as possible with the band being so far away from home. 
Being a new band on the scene, Firekind quickly found that it would be very expensive to travel with some of their favourite recording equipment, such as amps, and Johannes was able to quickly get an exact replacement from Dave Grohl for Jas to use. Johannes inspired the band members and they were able to fully engage in producing an amazing, edgy rock record that represents who they are as a band. What I Have Found is Already Lost is now available on iTunes and SoundCloud. More information about the band is available at

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